Tuesday, July 20, 2010

July 20th - Tasting my way through India

Today was sunny AGAIN! For monsoon season, this is rare. I left my wallet at Shloka’s house over the weekend, so I was afraid to travel with NO MONEY just in case of an emergency or anything – I felt very vulnerable. But all was well, I caught a rickshaw to work and went over to the food and beverage department. While waiting, the assistant of the director noticed I had a cold, and ordered a delicious ginger tea to clear my sinuses with breakfast breads – I now remember why I love the food and beverage department so much!

While waiting, I was reading about different rums and vodkas that are allowed to be sold in India. Once the director of the department came, he asked my opinion on which beers to import from the US! I was SHOCKED when he took my advice seriously (like he placed the order in front of me). He showed me a list of beers and told me to choose, as an American, the ones I have tried or knew of. I chose Brooklyn Lager and BLUE MOON!!! The hotel was looking to have American Microbreweries and I told them there two were well known and delicious.

I then head off to the Food and Beverage PR (public relations) department that is in charge of promoting the hotel’s restaurants and events. It was really interesting to see how certain promotions are decided and what steps have to be taken to make it successful.

Lunch was GREATTT today – “pure veg” or as Americans call it, vegetarian. The main courses were kidney beans that were SPICY and an Indian version of ratatouille with more heat and more flavors. It was so good. I also ate my first meal in the cafeteria like a real Indian WITH MY HANDS, no forks today. Also, I did not take any rice, which is a big step for me and my diet for the past month. Also, there was an Indian style of coleslaw but it was vinegar based and super spicy with mustard seeds – delicious!

The rest of the day I spent reading and critiquing the menus, which I think I found my new career: menu design. I just love menus, I always spend way too much time reading menus and enjoying them not to make a career out of it! On my ride home, the rickshaw tried to rip me off, but I stayed firm and told him off (only because there was a security guard right there!)

Below are pictures around my apartment – I will get some clearer photos tomorrow in the sunlight. And it is true: cows walk where ever they please and no one will do harm to them. For example, the first photo is a cow that lives around my building, he can cross the street whenever he wants! Miss you all!

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