Saturday, July 17, 2010

July 17th - "Burnt" Popcorn

I had to pack my overnight bag this morning because my friend Shloka is taking me home for the weekend (as in Sunday, everyone works 6-days a week in India). I am so excited. I was able to find people trying to grab a rickshaw to the Leela and was able to share with them. Once I arrived, I went into a meeting with my supervisor and HR rep and discussed what needs to change. They then told me that a different person each day has been assigned to take care of me after work – I feel like I’m five years old and need a nanny. I somewhat freaked out when they told me this saying I do not need friends bought for me and I need to switch locations. I think one more week in Bombay is all the Asian-metropolitan exposure I need.

I have been assigned to complete some research for the Leela while I am still in Bombay – but to be honest, I could have been doing this in the USA. My friend Shloka is a miracle for me, I kind of feel like she wants to be my friend because we are of the same “class/cast” but it’s better than being paid to take me out.

Shloka called her driver today to take us to her favorite Indian Restaurant. O man was it delicious. It was extremely traditional, so much that the menu was hand written on wood and there is no silverware allowed – all guests must use their hands LITERALLY! Shloka ordered bread, butter chicken curry, and some chutney. It was delicious. At the end of the meal, we were given “paan” – a bitter leaf to help with digestion. There is either Sadha Paan (bitter) or Meetha Paan (sweetened with nuts and masala). Shloka dared me to try a green chilli, and I did! Luckily it wasn't that bad (I picked a dull one) but WOW those are spicy. At the end of the meal (because you literally use your hands) the server brings large bowls of hot, hot lime water to wash your hands in!

When we return to the hotel, there was an employee appreciation event going on where a Bollywood movie was being shown in one of the ballrooms. I was able to watch it for about 20 minutes, although I understood nothing, it was a great experience to feel what the culture was like. Indians over act much more in their movies and hoot and holler as well. Movie goers have no problem with others whistling or talking throughout the movie (basically, I could never sit through a whole movie in India because I would go CRAZY). Haha, there was also popcorn which was darker in color because they add spices to the butter! Should have guessed, I am in the land of spices.

I am so excited to go home with Shloka today, and then just a few more days before I leave for the beach town Kovalam! I won’t be able to write tomorrow because I will be at Shloka’s home and without my laptop, but will take many photos and mental notes and write a long entry on Monday. I miss everyone and hope you are all enjoying the photos!

1. The bread master! the whole station of the restaurant was devoted to making all sorts of delicious bread.
2. Lunch! Butter chicken curry, breads, mint chutney, toppings
3. Wearing the bid (napkin) the restaurant gives you. Because of your hands, the figure you will get it all over you!
4. Toppings for bread! The green is mint chutney, the other plate is filled with raw onions, green chillis, cumin, and other spices

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